Looks like we're moving...

January 24, 2010

Yesterday we showed to apartment to our second person who was interested via our Craig's List post.  A very nice young woman came by yesterday evening and wanted the apartment immediately.  We were pretty excited but shocked that she just wanted to get the papers signed and everything then and there.  We started packing boxes up last night around midnight and this morning.  Today's goal is to be productive, search for our next dream apartment - within our budget!, and start moving in as much as we can today.  We're hoping to find a great apartment about 20-30 minutes north nearer to Revolution Wellness Center, where Elise works.  At the same time we want to save at least a hundred bucks a month on rent.  Wednesday morning we are leaving MN for a Maximized Living seminar in Florida, so this will definitely be a crazy couple days as we need to be moved out before our plane takes off on Wednesday.  So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this week! 

-  Dave

** UPDATE **================================================================
So we're not moving anymore.. The girl that was going to sublet our space didn't pass the credit screening and application so she basically doesn't have enough money to pay rent for our apartment.  We found this out last night after driving around all morning and afternoon apartment hunting.  We found a great apartment, too, 10 minutes from BOTH of our offices.  First month's rent would have been covered by the complex as would have security deposit.  We were a little bummed last night after finding out, especially after we packed up about half of our things, took screws and nails out of the wall, and are left will all bare walls and boxes everywhere.  We're looking on the bright side and trusting it was just not the best opportunity for us after all.  We'll let you know if and when we are moving again!


2010 is in full swing

January 16, 2010

Hi all!  Sorry for not posting in a while.  Hope everyone had great holidays!  It is hard to believe January is already half way up!  We have been pretty busy since getting home from our Christmas trip home to Michigan.  We had a quiet New Year's at home this year.  Dave surprised me with a bottle of champagne (cheap from the Cub down the block, but still fun to celebrate!) and we snuggled up in bed to watch the ball drop on our laptop.  I believe it was about 11:30pm EST that our TV cut out and we couldn't find any channel that had any balls dropping, so we resorted to webTV.  The same but on a smaller screen.  :)

After our little break from work and school, we have been in full swing since January 2nd.  Dave has started is T8 training (trimester 8 out of 10).  He is working at an office in Plymouth, about 5 minutes from the office I am currently employed at.  He is adjusting, working on a few marketing projects, networking and getting some of the office training, too.  He picked this office out himself to train in.  He's had 2 full weeks of it so far and is enjoying it, but is also ready for more of a challenge.  I'm sure in the coming weeks the docs will throw more at him once they see his confidence and skill levels!

Work has been pretty busy for me at Revolution.  We have about 4 events planned for this month.  A usual month will hold 1 maybe 2 workshops, so this month has been about double the work load.  I'm not complaining though, I really do love it.  This job lets me use all of my talents while having a blast with patients and all the kids!  So much fun!  I have also begun some training for my job promotion.  Christina is expecting her first in April, so I will be assuming her manager position around that time.  We have been doing a little training so far this month, but that will come full fledged in February where I'll learn the ins and outs of insurance.  Woohoo!  (not)  Even with the insurance side of things, we're off to a great start.  2010 is going to be a great year!  :)

We are still hoping to move up north about 30 minutes.  So get this...  The other night we posted our apartment on Craig's List (finally, had been putting it off for about a month) and the next morning we had heard back from 3 people!  So we set up meetings this weekend.  One couple came by today, super cute, about our age with the same hobbies and interests.  They appreciated that we were also an organic family.  I thought that was pretty cool.  We're keeping our fingers crossed that they contact us in the near future to take our place!  We think they would be very happy here!  Once someone wants our place, we'll have to pick out an apartment up in Brooklyn Park like..in 24hours or something ridiculous like that and get moved, BECAUSE we are attending a Maximized Living seminar in Florida the 27-31.  We are hoping to be moved out before the seminar.

I also just got home tonight from the first day of my last Rakowski Nutrition and Detox seminar.  One more day left to certification!!  I passed my third of 4 tests and got the results a couple weeks ago from that one.  This final test is on the male and female reproductive organs, how to detox them, estrogen toxicity in both males and females, how to treat prostate cancer...that sort of stuff.  I love to learn about this all, but will be glad to be done.  Honestly I can't sit for that long anymore and don't know how I did it in college!  haha, anyone else feel that way??

That kind of sums up our January so far.  Oh yeah, I forgot to put on here that we have purchased a second car.  We bought Dan and Allison's car (our friends who had the cutest triplets recently).  Dan just graduated from Northwestern this December and is now in Florida training in the same program Dave and I will train in next year.  We purchased their Chevy Cavalier after they upgraded to a van (for obvious reasons :).  It will get us through the next couple years at least.  It's good we got it when we did, because car pooling got impossible around that time, I believe the end of November..

Have a great rest of your weekends!  Dave sends his love to all, as do I!

- E