It's the most wonderful time of the year!

December 18, 2009

It's about time for an update!  We sent our Christmas cards out this week and anticipate a few new visitors (if that's you, comment on here so we know you're following us!  We'll write back, promise!), so it's time to do a little life summary in time for Christmas.  Dave and I have both been meaning to do a real update for about 2 months now...I beat Dave to it today even though he is all done with school for this trimester!!  He just finished up Wednesday afternoon with his last practical!!  Hurray!  He's now officially a T8 (trimester 8 student, out of 10 trimesters).  One year to go, so we're in go time for planning our office, business plan, adjusting technique, all of that stuff... YAY!  SO exciting!  :)

I have been pretty busy as well beyond working the normal job.  I've been taking a nutrition and detox certification course on Saturdays and Sundays.  It's a four part certification and we meet once a month for 4 months.  Last weekend was the third session, so just one left in January (phew!).  I passed my first 2 tests with flying colors!!  100% on the first one!!  I am a bit surprised as I am the youngest person in the room and just about everyone else is doctors!  Nutrition and detox is becoming a real passion of mine.  Our office isn't just going to be chiropractic.  We are going to create a healing place, a whole wellness center, where patients come to get off the medical treadmill and start letting their body heal from the inside out and live to their full God-given potential.  I'm already getting a ton of training and experience at Revolution every day on helping people get off medications, start exercising, doing a cleanse and start the healing.  It's absolutely a blessing to be in my position at work and to have the opportunity in the Twin Cities to network and get in to these seminars for extra training while Dave and I have the time to do it.  Our path is being laid for us and becoming clearer every day!

Subject change....  Lots of you have been asking us about the mice.  Well, a few weeks ago we caught 4 more within a couple days of each other.  We've been using just one trap and resetting it over and over.  Wait, let me rephrase that... Dave is the one doing the resetting and clean up.  :)  Brave brave Dave!!  He hates mice, but he does it all for me.  What sacrifice!  xo!  For about 3 weeks now I think it's been pretty quiet in the "mouse corner" of our bedroom.  Hopefully that was the last of them.  I think the count is up to 17 or maybe closer to 20 now?  We've kind of lost count.  Dave has talked to our apartment managers a couple times lately about getting out of our lease due to the consistant mice issue, but they said the only thing they could do is move us to a different apartment.  We don't want to do that though because it would be on the 3rd floor, and we're in a first floor apartment now.  The reason we'd like to get out of our lease is so we can move into a slightly cheaper apartment closer to Maple Grove where I work.  In January, Dave will start interning at an office in Plymouth (just a minute from Maple Grove).  So it'd save us a lot of drive time and gas money if we could move...but for now, we're staying put in Bloomington (about a 25 minute drive from Maple Grove).

This year we actually went home for Thanksgiving, the first time in I think 2 or 3 years! And it was our first time home to the U.P. since last Christmas. We were shocked to find we BOTH had the Friday after Thanksgiving off from both school and work, so we decided why not head home for the 4-day weekend. We spent Thursday and Saturday with family, and sandwiched Friday in between with a little shopping and visiting as many people as we could, some of which we haven't seen since our wedding over a year ago!!!   We still have to make rounds to a few more friends this coming week on our Christmas visit.  We'll be in town Christmas Eve evening thru Sunday. Can't wait!!

Over the Thanksgiving trip, we went over to Ashley and Craig's for a few hours. Alanna and Tony joined us and Alanna made a DElicious lasagna meal and brought a couple of pies from her bakery -- the raspberry pie was to die for! Here are a few pictures of the babies -- can't believe how big they are getting!!!!!! Dallas is just over a year old and is as big as Teija!! And yes, that is THE Teija, our littlest flower girl at our wedding. She is almost 2 years old now come January. Wow time flies. Also enjoy the video below of her dancing to the music of a toy. Adorable!


On December 7th, Dr. Suzy treated Dave and I to our very first real concert, Chris Tomlin's Glory in the Highest tour!  http://www.christomlin.com/home.php  We were SO EXCITED to go!!  We had been eying up his concert since we heard a commercial for it in October, but we just couldn't scrape together the funds to go.  Thank you so much Suzy, we had a BLAST with you guys!!  We appreciated it so so much!  It was such a great night.  His music filled up our wells!!  All of us were beaming on the way out.  Who knew worshiping on a Monday night after a long day's work could be so uplifting! :)  Christina and Paul also joined us, as well as Rob, Suzy's fiance.  We all went out for some dinner afterward, a pretty late night, but so worth it.

You can sort of make out Chris's face on the screen.  He's down there holding his guitar.  We were sitting in the front row balcony.  The concert was actually at the church we attend, Grace, very close to our home!!  http://www.atgrace.com/

After the concert. 
Paul and Christina on left, Rob and Suzy in middle, Dave and Elise on right

Just flipping through other pictures from this month...  Here is our Christmas tree, although it didn't quite turn out.  We wanted to put this up to show Calvin, our loving Godchild, what we did with the cute little Santa ornament he gave us last year.  It is dressed in a camouflage suit!  The Santa is sort of shaped like a star, so we put him at the top of our tree.  :)  Maybe you can just tell him about it, Angela?


We've been starting a food blog as well, with healing diet recipes, foods and other ideas.  This is one of our experiments -- Chipotle burgers.  100% organic from the bun up!  Grassfed beef (we bought a 1/4 of a cow a few months ago and are slowly enjoying), lettuce, avacado, caramelized red onions, raw swiss cheese, organic whole grain bun with no sugar, and a homemade chipotle sauce!!  These burgers were ABSOLUTELY TO DIE FOR!!  Possibly the best burgers we've had in a verrrry long time.


Here is the Christmas picture we sent out with our Christmas cards this year at Revolution.  You can see our real tree in the background -- the aroma every day when I come in to work to open up is heavenly!  The nutcracker was brought in by Christina's (far right) father-in-law.  The kids in our office love it! haha


This is a photo of Dave doing one of his workshops.  He does talks for our office (and others on occassion).  This one he did just last weekend on Burst Training, the type of exercise Dave and I do and what we will teach our patients to do as well.  You work out for just 6 minutes per day and burn fat for 36 hours after.

And that's about all I have to talk about today.  :)  I know, we covered a lot in this post.  Hopefully you hung in there!

We're looking forward to seeing many of you in just a week for Christmas!  Eek!  It's just a week away, I have just a little more wrapping to do..  For those we don't get to see this year, Dave and I wish you a blessed Christmas and New Year's and hope you create lasting memories this year!  May God shine his light in your heart and for your family this Season.  Luke 1:14  "And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth."  Have a wonderful time relaxing and celebrating!  Blessing for good health and happiness for 2010!  And again, if you're new, shoot us a quick message on here and we'll look forward to getting back in touch with you soon!

Love, Dave and Elise


Where's the Fire?

December 3, 2009

I had literally just gotten out of the shower when I heard fire alarms and sirens this morning.  Today was my day to sleep in a little bit, not having to work until noon today..  around 8:45 the alarms started, followed quickly by flashing lights and sirens.  So, I know the first thing you're supposed to do is leave your apartment to the nearest exit door and get at least 100 yds from the building.  Well, I was in merely a towel and dripping wet.  I knew that was not happening after I looked out the window and saw snow EVERY where (1st snow in almost 1.5 months).  So instead I looked up and down the hallway of our building, saw/smelled no smoke or flames.  Didn't even see anyone in the hall or outside in the parking lot.  So...I decided to get dressed first.  :)  Then I frantically called Dave about 8 times until he answered.  By this time, the firemen were inside the building checking each apartment.  The guy that knocked on our door then quickly let himself in before I could get to it was lucky I had enough time to pull a shirt over my head!  "Are you okay in here ma'am?  We're checking everything out.  Any fire or smoke in here?"  "No sir!"  But thanks for freaking me the heck out!  (that's what I wanted to say...)

I ended up staying inside the 40 minutes the firemen and police were here, but I never nailed down where the fire was.  I did see them go to their truck for more fire extinguishers, so I'm thinking a kitchen fire up a floor or two?  I figured I was safe enough inside and could use our deck door to leave in an instant if needed.  Thankfully that wasn't necessary.. 


Want to Save 400,000 Trees??

November 8, 2009

Dave and I have been on a journey to become more green and organic for almost two years now.  We understand we can't expect each one of you to make the switches to a natural lifestyle over night, but we recently learned about what is going on in the toilet paper market and just HAD to share it with you.  Do you want to save 400,000 trees??  Who wouldn't, right?  Is your luxury toilet paper destroying forests?  Wait til you hear this, pulled from multiple research sources (including GreenPeace USA, Green and Natural Parenting, Consumer Reports, Washington Post, and the New York Times).

Many of us may never even think about the environmental consequences of toilet paper and if we do we may think it is not a very big deal in the grand scheme of things.  If we are thinking along those lines, we are thinking wrong.

I am sure you are all familiar with the soft, cushiony toilet paper brands that are thrown at us via TV commercials and ads all the time…brands like Cottonelle Ultra, Quilted Northern Ultra and Charmin Ultra.  Especially with the latest craze of "ultra plush" or "ultra soft"..  If you want to feel as though you are wiping your behind with a cloud then these are the brands for you.

Unfortunately this article from the New York Times shows that luxury and softness has a price.
"...millions of trees harvested in North America and in Latin American countries, including some percentage of trees from rare old-growth forests in Canada.  Although toilet tissue can be made at similar cost from recycled material, it is the fiber taken from standing trees that help give it that plush feel, and most large manufacturers rely on them."
Ugh!  We are destroying forests just so we can have something super soft to wipe our backsides.  That is the very definition of vain and wasteful.  Dave and I would have to agree with Allen Hershkowitz, a senior scientist and waste expert with the Natural Resource Defense Council when he said  “No forest of any kind should be used to make toilet paper.”

How can we justify such a thing when we can use/buy toilet paper made from recycled paper products?  Is our bum worth that price?

The cost of “white” toilet paper is also high as tons of chlorine bleach and water must be used to bleach the paper pulp.  This is highly unnecessary in our opinion...

Charmin, Kleenex, Cottonelle, Quilted Northern and Scott are among the toilet papers and tissues that do the most harm to forests and the environment, according to a new report by GreenPeace.  The non-profit research group evaluated dozens of brands of toilet paper, facial tissue, paper, towels, and napkins according to three criteria:
  1. How much recycled content they contained
    Using 100% recycled content helps protect forests because it significantly reduces the demand for trees, especially trees coming from native forests.

  2. How much of that was post-consumer waste
    To get the top ranking, at least 50% post-consumer waste needed to be used in manufacturing the product.

  3. How the paper was bleached
    The top-ranked products are not bleached using chlorine, which can create the toxic byproduct dioxin.

So what can you do?  Buy recycled, unbleached toilet paper.  According to GreenPeace, Americans could save more than 400,000 trees if each family bought a roll of recycled toilet paper — just once.  We highly recommend each of you to visit GreenPeace's site for their Pocket Size Tissue Guide which you can download and print out to keep with you in your wallet or purse so you can remember what brands to look for, which to avoid, and chemicals to avoid, too!:  http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/campaigns/forests/tissueguide.  Also, please please PLEASE take the time on that same page to click "Take Action Now" and send a quick letter to Proctor&Gamble asking them to stop killing the hundreds of years old forests around the world.  (Dave and I did this today!! Share with your friends and family!)  Inside their pocket tissue guide, GreenPeace recommends some of the following brands as being the most eco friendly choices:

Green Forest
Seventh Generation (the brand Dave and I use most often)
Trader Joe’s brand

And of course there is always the option to use cloth.  This option extends past the use of cloth instead of toilet paper.  Try to use cloth diapers, cloth baby wipes, even cloth menstrual pads or a Diva Cup.  I admit that even I have not made the leap to cloth for everything for our family yet, but we are still on our journey to being an ALL-natural family.  Make a healthy and clean choice for YOUR family.  It's easy when you can buy recycled, unbleached toilet paper.


Happy November Birthdays

November 6, 2009

We've got plenty of birthdays happening this month from both sides of the family!

Happy birthday on Wednesday, Nov 4th to Mom V!  We sent her a lovely arrangement of flowers, but she had taken the day off work so she had to wait until Nov 5th to see them!  Oops on our part...   Happy belated birthday, mom!

Alanna's birthday is on the 19th, Angela's on the 21st, and Cedric's on the 26th.  Happy birthday to each one of you coming up!!!  I'm sure we'll be in touch later this month.  Hope you each have a great day!  xoxoxo!


Congrats to Sean!

November 1, 2009

Angela and Joe's son Sean shot his first deer -- an 8-pointer!!  Congratulations Sean!  Here he is with Cedric and Calvin, all three so proud.  :)  Great job!


Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween every one!  We have a new look to our blog as of today.  It was time for a change, after about 2 years into blogging.

No major plans for either of us this Halloween.  Usually we'll at least dress up and go out or hit up a party or two, but this year Dave is out of town.  He's down in Florida for the quarterly Maximized Living seminar.  I am so sad that I missed it this year, but we had a HUGE event finishing up at Revolution that I had to assist in running.  It was a great turnout, packed house, so it was worth it to stick around town for sure.  But I'm disappointed I didn't hop on a plane and get down there for today -- Dave called this afternoon and said he was honored with an award and called up on stage for his outstanding leadership and direction as President for the past year!!!!!  This is a tremendous honor as he was hand picked out of all the presidents from all the schools around the country, AND the ML leaders rarely congradulate students let alone honor them with an award.  I say the first of many!  :)  Sad I missed the big moment, but so excited for Dave at the same time.  Perhaps we'll get a pic up here when he gets home to show it off.

So while I've been home alone this weekend (with the exception of our lovely roommate, Kelly, who is scrambling to get her last-minute costume together right now -- eek!), I've done a little bit of pre-Christmas shopping (for those of you who know why my Secret Friend/Secret Santa is this year, you know why this was the perfect time to do some browsing) and have successfully cleaned our entire bathroom and about half our bedroom.  Needed a break, so thus I am blogging.  My goal is to get it all done before bed tonight.  Then get a restful night's sleep before rising early to pick up Dave at the airport.

Dave got his test scores back from National Boards and bum, bum, bum.... he passed!!  2 sets down, 2 to go!  And he's down to 1 more year of school as of the end of November.  Exciting!!  Can't wait to move, get our office set up, and start saving lives in a new city!

I think that's all the major news for now.  I might pop in a scary movie soon to set the mood while I finish tiddying up.  :D   Don't forget to fall back tonight every one!

-  E


Turkey Meatloaf

October 15, 2009

Here is one of the most delicious meatloaves we have ever had!  It comes pretty close to Good Earth's signature loaf, but is definitely the best homemade loaf I've ever concocted!  I wanted to share my recipe with everyone, especially those of you in the same boat as us with tons of apples sitting around.  This is a great way to incorporate apples into a savory meal instead of always desserts.  We had plenty to feed the two of us for a couple days.  YUM!

1 tsp coconut oil
1 chopped onion, medium size
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 lb ground turkey
2 tsp fresh thyme (3/4 t dry)
1 1/4 tsp fresh sage (1/2 t dry)
1 1/2 cups peeled and grated apples (I used 2 Haralson and 1 Granny Smith so it wasn't TOO sweet)
1 1/4 c fresh bread crumbs from cinnimon bread or toast (Yummmm yum yum yum!)
1 large egg,lightly beaten
2 Tbsp fresh chopped parsley
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp seasalt
1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper

1.)  Heat coconut oil in a small skillet over medium heat.  Add onions and celery and satue 5ish minutes until softened.  Stir in thyme and sage.  Set aside to cool slightly.

2.) In a large bowl, add ground turkey, bread crumbs, onion mixture, grated apple, egg, salt, pepper, mustard and parsley.  Mix well with your hands -- be sure to not squeeze the mixture through your fingers, just roll repeatedly and comb your fingers thru.  Squeezing the meat makes a very tough and dry meatloaf whether it's beef OR turkey.

3.)  Pack into a *greased* 8x4" loaf pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.

4.)  GLAZE:
        1 Tbsp Apple Cider vinegar

        1 Tbsp brown sugar
        2 tsp Dijon mustard

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl and brush over the top of the loaf at the 30 minute mark.  Bake for 30 more minutes or until golden brown and juices run clear.

I served it with baked sweet potatoes and that was it.  The glaze definitely  makes this loaf!  Enjoy!

 -  E


Apples Apples Everywhere!

October 8, 2009

We should start by wishing our brother Andy a very happy birthday!
This was the only picture I could find on the fly of Andy!!  Thought it was funny though, so we're posting it!  This is at Dave's Bachelor Party 2 summers ago.  L to R: Joe, Dad S, Dave, Andy, Mike, Aaron.  These were the winning teams from their golf outing and here they are posing with their prizes: growlers from the KBC!  Enjoy this memory, Andy!  We hope you are having an awesome birthday!!!

 We FINALLY sold Trixie!!  She left us officially on Sunday.  A young couple purchased the Matrix from us Sunday afternoon, after taking it for a spin the Thursday before.  It was their first major car purchase, too, just like it was for us.  We're glad she's in good hands, but will surely miss her!  It was one of the best vehicles we've ever had!  Now we've been using just the one car for this entire week, and let me say it is extremely hard to do when we work at places on opposite ends of the Metro.  So this Sunday we'll be out looking for a clunker -- that's right, looking to BUY a clunker, not sell it.  ;)  We'll just get a crappy little car to get us to and from and junk it whenever it dies.  We'll only need one car in about a year or 2 anyway, so this is the best plan to help us eat up some of our debt and work toward getting our office open!

Last weekend we also took some time to do something fun for a change.  We hit up the biggest apple orchard in the Cities called The Harvest.  It's only a few miles south of our apartment in Jordan.  They had free admission, which is key!  We didn't have much time to phyically go on the tractor and pick our own apples (we had to get back to the apt to sell our car! plus it was super cold and rainy!), but we walked around a bit then went inside the clubhouse to taste.  Okay, so who has ever even HEARD of a Honeycrisp apple??  Better yet tasted one???  SO GOOD!  We'd never heard of that type before.  The University of Minnesota actually created it by cross breading 2 other types, and what resulted was the Honeycrisp.  They taste just like the name -- like a crisp, honey sweet apple!  THE best ever!  So after sampling all the apples, we grabbed a bag of those and also a bag of Haralsons (another breed famous to MN).  We also got to taste some of the other products the apple orchard makes: salsas, sausages, cheese, and CIDER!  Yup, grabbed a half gallon of their cider, too.  On our way out, we also got 2 warm cups of cider, a slice of apple pie and an apple dumpling.  DElicious!  We'll definitely go back next fall and take more time so we can do our own picking!  We're thinking of making our own apple pies this weekend.  Maybe some other apple things...any ideas out there??  Possibly one of our favorite fall soups for dinner Saturday night -- Curried Apple Soup.  If you can think of anything else Apple, send it our way!  We have so many apples sitting around!!
This was the first thing we saw after following the signs to the orchard.  I guess the old barn looked cooler in person, but I wanted to take a picture of it.  Didn't turn out so great on here though.  Oh well.  I just really liked  how the apple looks, where they put the state of MN on there to look like the bite was taken out.

We had to drive up this muddy, mucky road to get to the main grounds.  All along the way, the road was lined with the various breeds of apple trees!  Haralsons are the ones in this picture.

 Driving up the mucky road to the Harvest!

These were all over the place.  This was close to the entrance and it was very kid oriented with all these apple characters and other pictures, stories, etc.

A little glimpse of the clubhouse.  This was the bakery section.  It was quite a unique place!

Yum!  Pie!

Stay warm everyone!  We hear snow is on the way later this weekend!!



First Trip to Canada

September 24, 2009

This will be a quick post before I dash off to work in a few minutes..

Last weekend we headed up north for our first trip to Canada.  Well, Dave has crossed the boarder a time or two, but it was my first official time and our first time together.  We headed up to Winnipeg for a seminar on Saturday.  It was only about a 6-7 hour trip, so just like going home to da UP, not so bad of a trip.  It was well worth the drive, too.  We learned a bit of nutrition and cannot wait to be certified!!

This weekend we are going out to Wisconsin to screen for Dr. Drew and Lyra, some good friends of ours in ML.  It will be a fun time!  Dr. Drew just moved into a new building, so we can't wait to see it!  Hope there will be time for that.

Ummm...nothing else has really been going on for us except the usual work and school.  Dave has night classes this trimester as well as early morning clinic. So he's up around 5/5:30am and not home until 9/9:30pm most evenings..  :(  *sigh*  Just gotta push thru til December!!

We can't wait to finally head back home for Christmas.  We haven't been back since Christmas last year.  We've got so many people we need to see, some we haven't seen since our wedding!!  We'll have to make a list and ration our time..

And for those of you keep up with Ashley (yes, Ash, you have followers that live your life thru me...scary thought, huh?), she and Craig had a minor kitchen fire the other day.  Everyone is okay, Dal and the Ash got out right away.  She said the fire dept came and did their thing.  Thank goodness they're alright!  So that's her update. :)  You can check her blog on our blogroll to the right.

That's all my thoughts for now ppl!  Later!



The Dangers of Coffee Consumption!

September 13, 2009

Dave and I want to pass along an article that he wrote for the monthly e-newsletter for Revolution. This is the second article he's written for us. We'll post his first one soon, too, Dave just needs to do it as it's on his jump drive.

We think all of you need to know and learn this information on coffee, caffeine and what it does to your body. If you aren't a coffee drinker, plug in Mt Dew, Diet Coke, or energy drinks wherever coffee is referenced. The same goes for those drinks, and maybe even worse! The point of this article isn't to scare you into stop drinking the things you like. Our point is to educate you and empower you with this information so you can make decisions about what you CHOOSE to put into your body after knowing the effects that can happen. Foods chemically altered (or altered in any way by Man for that matter) are toxic to the human body. We just weren't meant to eat anything not put on the Earth by God/Mother Nature/found naturally. Read Dave's article below and see what the effects of coffee(pop, energy drinks) do to our health.


The Dangers of Coffee
By Dave Schwartz, Chiropractic Intern
How does this morning routine sound;
Alarm goes off 6:00am, hit the snooze a few times, then reluctantly get out of bed and mosey on down to the kitchen. Thankfully you remembered to set the timer on the coffee pot last night, so a fresh pot of “liquid energy” awaits! Grab a mug, pour…enjoy.
Sound familiar? Well, 54% of America is right along with you. That’s right, 54% of Americans drink coffee every day.1 87% of Americans drink coffee on a regular basis!2 Here’s one that should get you going: 76% of children consume high amounts of caffeine daily!2
Sound like an addiction?
Before you set the auto timer on your pot of coffee tonight, read through these facts which show the dangerous effects both caffeinated and decaf coffee have on your body. If you are sitting back thinking you’re in the clear because you drink decaf, think again. Decaffeinated coffee is not just as bad as regular, it may be worse.
Every time you take a sip of coffee, whether it be regular or decaf, your body responds by releasing adrenaline from your adrenal glands. Instantly your body adapts into a “FIGHT OR FLIGHT” response. This is your sympathetic nervous system in action. Imagine you were walking in the woods late at night and a saber-tooth tiger jumped out at you…what would you do? You’d run like crazy! That is what a sip of coffee is preparing your body for. Sip after sip, mug after mug, pot after pot, your adrenals get “burned out” and you go into adrenal insufficiency. This leads to exhaustion and a feeling of whole body fatigue. 3
*Instant coffee gives you 65-100mg of caffeine, brewed coffee 80-135 and dripped coffee up to 175mg of caffeine4
**Some you might be thinking that because you drink decaf you are in the clear because decaf doesn’t contain caffeine. Sorry! Decaf coffee is supposed to have 97% of caffeine removed3, so not only can there be trace amounts anyway, but this 97% rule is never enforced. Starbucks reports that there is up to 15-18mg of caffeine in each 8oz of coffee and that their “smallest” cup size is 12oz.5 This is more than enough caffeine to stimulate your adrenals and cause a sympathetic reaction.
Drinking decaf is no longer safe as many seem to say. Decaf has been shown to increase the level of LDL cholesterol in your bloodstream. LDL cholesterol is the “bad” cholesterol which has been shown to be a strong predictor for heart attacks. Decaf also contains chlorogenic acid which is also found in regular coffee. Chlorogenic acid raises plasma levels of homocysteine which have been found to increase your susceptibility of developing serious heart conditions. 3,6
As your adrenals become overactive, adrenalin is produced in mass quantities. This causes your body to decrease serotonin in your body. Serotonin is another neurotransmitter that functions in the brain. It is responsible for preventing depression and anxiety. When this is decreased in the body, you become depressed and anxious. 3
According to James Lane, professor at Duke University: “Typically, in people with Type 2 Diabetes, there is a large and persistent rise in glucose after eating a meal. This spike in glucose is even larger and longer-lasting if caffeine is present. So, it’s reasonable to say that caffeine and coffee seem to make diabetes symptoms worse.” 6 The danger is the caffeine. Other studies have shown that coffee helps diabetes, however new research is showing that this is due an unknown substance in coffee. The caffeine in regular and decaf worsen diabetes and do not prevent the condition. 7
Caffeine has been said to cause dementia, anaphylaxis (an acute systemic and severe hypersensitivity allergic hypersensitivity allergic reaction), ADD, hyperactivity (ADHD), and reduced mental functioning.3 It does this by over stimulating the mind and body. Consistent caffeine consumption puts your body in the sympathetic state and destroys neuron receptors in the brain leading to attention disorders. The coffee “buzz” you get from a cup of java occurs when caffeine blocks a brain chemical called adenosine. Adenosine prompts feelings of drowsiness and sleepiness. So, when caffeine inhibits adenosine, your brain cannot relax and is under constant stimulation. 2
Remember that caffeine is also in soda. Think about how many adults and even children drink both coffee and soda in one day. I was just in Caribou the other day (don’t worry, I save myself a little caffeine by going with my favorite, chai tea), and a mother in front of me bought two Caramel High Rises for her teenage daughters. Caramel High Rise’s have two shots of espresso in them equating to 180 mg of caffeine!8 A large High Rise has 270 mg of caffeine, 24 times the amount found in decaf! (Remember that even 11 mg of caffeine, as is found in decaf, is enough caffeine to stimulate the adrenals and cause harm to your body, just think of what 270mg does.)
This is the most controversial issue dealing with coffee consumption. If you do a little research you will find that there are conflicting answers as to whether or not coffee consumption causes dehydration. However, think about how many have experienced or heard from their friends that they experienced a headache after drinking a pot or even just a cup of coffee. Thinking physiologically and the effect caffeine has on our body, dehydration from drinking coffee can definitely occur. Caffeine is a natural diuretic. The more caffeine you consume the more water you are going to pull out of your cells and remove through the kidneys and urinary system. If you are not replacing that water regularly, you will become dehydrated. Some signs and symptoms of dehydration include: headaches, thirst, dry mouth, fatigue, and body chills.
To show this, here is an excerpt from research done by F. Batmanghelidj, MD author of “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”:
When a body becomes dehydrated, the neurotransmitter histamine is activated. Histamine, in turn, activates prostaglandins, kinins, and vasopressin, in an effort to redistribute available water according to priority. The body’s response to dehydration, when left unchecked, contributes to many other problems, including DNA damage, reduced efficiency of DNA repair system, immune suppression, and irregular protein production in cells, which encourages cancer cell formation. When growth hormone production decreases as we enter our twenties, thirst perception also decreases. As we age and become less aware of being thirsty and drink less water, the water content within cells decreases so that cellular water can be redistributed to the brain and other vital functions. Gradually, we become dehydrated. The negative effects of dehydration are permitted to compound partly because people in modern societies have been taught to use painkillers to mask the pain caused by histamine, prostaglandins, and kinins. Masking the pain does not address the underlying problem of dehydration. Dehydration is especially prevalent among people who drink caffeinated coffee, tea, and sodas. Caffeine dehydrates the body. 9
On a side note, notice the sentence that tells us about growth hormone decreasing when we enter our twenties? That should not happen. This is not only why we are dehydrated, but why we are obese and cannot lose weight! Exercise by BURST TRAINING to restore growth hormone levels!
Coffee causes headaches through dehydration and also through decreasing your magnesium levels because of the caffeine. You need to start hydrating yourself immediately! Your body is 60-70% water…drink at least half your body weight (pounds) in ounces daily to stay hydrated!
Coffee is highly acidic! Your body tries to maintain homeostasis as close to a pH slightly above 7.0, meaning your body wants to be in an ALKALINE environment. Maintaining an alkaline environment helps your body stay healthy and fight off cancer. The pH of coffee is 4.9-5.8. Decaf is even more acidic than regular.3 Drinking cups or even pots a day increases the acidity of your body making you unhealthy. You have an increased risk for GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease), heartburn, and acid reflux. 3,6
Your body metabolizes the best in an alkaline environment and when it becomes acidic you alter bones’ cell function leading to osteoporosis. Other increased risks include: joint diseases, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Iron deficiency, increased loss of magnesium and zinc. 3,10
A recent study in 2002 reported that drinking four or more cups of decaf led to an increased
risk of rheumatoid arthritis, while drinking 3 cups of tea/day DECREASED the risk! 10
The coffee addiction leads you to a high and then a crash. Many people then think they need a “pick me up” after the crash and they turn to SUGAR! (Doughnuts being the #1 culprit.) Think also about all of those flavored sugar syrups, sweeteners, and creamers you ADD to your coffee.
Coffee is a stimulant. Studies have found that caffeine can reduce a person’s perceived quality rest and their total minutes spent in slumber. It will also increase the number of times you wake up in the middle of the night especially if you drink it at night and drinking it during the day can through off your circadian (natural) sleep rhythm.
Since listing 10 things was not enough, I thought it would be very informative to show you how decaf becomes decaf. From a natural perspective, any processed foods or processed products made by man are detrimental to your health and well being. The same goes for coffee. You need to ask how they turn caffeinated coffee beans in to decaf. It must involve some sort of processing. There are three common decaffeination methods. 3
The first involves the use of either methylene chloride or ethyl acetate. Both of these solvents are supposed to be removed in the end process, but when man messes with God’s work, do you believe that happens? Both of these solvent residues have been found in decaffeinated coffee.
Methylene chloride: carcinogenic, which means cancer causing, by the National Cancer Institute. In lower doses it may cause headaches, fatigue, and behavior similar to being drunk.11
Ethyl acetate: irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, followed by headache, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and unconsciousness. Prolonged exposures may cause clouding of the eye, damage to the lungs and heart and kidney and liver problems.12
The second and third decaffeination process uses the “Swiss water or European water” process and supercritical carbon dioxide. When either of these processes is used it leaves the coffee with a high acidity. Here is another shocking fact: Inferior coffee beans that are old or moldy are often used for decaffeination because the process masks the age and the condition of the beans! Sounds like cheap, rotten, acidic coffee to me. The manufacturers are obviously not concerned with YOUR health!
You need to ALWAYS be conscious of what you are putting into your body and where it came from. Caffeine in high amounts is not only addictive but, as you now know, DANGEROUS and DEADLY to your body. You must also apply this knowledge to anything else that contains caffeine, especially soda and diet soda. Always be wary of what you put into your body.
Caffeine can be safe in your body in very low doses and sometimes caffeine ingestion is inevitable throughout the day. However, many Americans OVERDOSE on their daily caffeine. You should be ingesting no more than 100-200mg caffeine per day. Here are some common drinks and their caffeine content13:

Red Bull (8.2 oz) 80.0
Mountain Dew 55.0
Diet Coke 45.6
Diet Pepsi 36.0
Tea, Iced 47
Tea, various brands, 30-40
Tea green 15
Hot cocoa 14
Coffee, Instant 65-10
Coffee, Espresso (2 ounces) 100
Coffee, Drip 115-175
Coffee, Brewed 80-135
Coffee, Decaf, brewed 3-4
Coffee, Decaf, instant 2-3

So now what? There are two choices…
Of course, option A will be the best for the health of your body, however many people will experience “caffeine withdrawals”. These can range from headaches to fatigue or general body soreness. For those who drink copious amounts of coffee, try weaning yourself off. Here are some helpful tips in doing just that.
· Decrease your amount of coffee weekly or daily – slowly decrease the amount of coffee you ingest every day or week if that’s what it takes. Any amount you decrease is a step in the right direction!
· Become addicted to herbal tea - I know many of you coffee lovers are cringing at this piece of advice, but herbal teas have tremendous health benefits and contain half the amount of caffeine as coffee. There are many different flavors and ways to make the tea (such as by adding milk after steeping). Make sure you go organic!
· Try water therapy – start drinking half your body weight or more of water per day in ounces and rehydrate your body. Tendencies are that you won’t feel as thirsty. Try adding the all-natural sweetener Stevia to your glass, which has many different flavors, to get yourself addicted to something healthy!
· “De-Coffetize” your home – get rid of all the coffee in your home and force yourself to switch. Whenever you feel a craving, burst train or drink some tea/water/juice.
· Avoid coffeehouses – you MUST avoid Starbucks, Caribou, and other cafes until you can learn to handle your cravings. Addictions are hard to break and you must constantly be on guard for temptations. Habits are said to be formed in 40 days; the same amount of time Jesus was in the desert and defeated the devil and his temptations.
· Try Natural Coffee – Now that you coffee addicts rejected all of the above, here is one for you. Natural herbal coffee! Now, I haven’t personally tried this product, but I have researched it and it is safe for your body and your taste buds. Many reviewers say that it tastes just like regular coffee, without the caffeine or solvents! The brand is Teeccino Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee. Here is sample “weaning plan” that will get you un-addicted to coffee:
The Pain-free Way to Wean off of Coffee3
Start by mixing normal coffee 3/4 to 1/4 Teeccino Herbal Coffee. Gradually reduce the percentage of coffee over a two to three week period until 100% Teeccino Herbal Coffee is brewed. Gradual reduction of caffeine is recommended. Side effects such as headaches, fatigue, and brain fogginess can be avoided as the body gradually adjusts to less reliance on stimulants.
Regular Coffee
(in tablespoons)
Teeccino Herbal Coffee
(in tablespoons)
1 ½
3 ½
12 – 13
4 ½
Find Teeccino herbal coffee at http://www.teeccino.com/
· GET ADJUSTED! – Subluxation has been proven to disrupt the mind-body relationship. How do you think you could defeat a craving when your brain doesn’t know what your body is doing? For you to defeat this coffee craving make sure you are adjusted regularly! As soon as you start kicking the habit and getting adjusted, your body will begin to heal from the inside out, restoring the innate God-given potential you all have and deserve!
1 Coffee Consumption Statistics in the United States, http://www.coffeeresearch.org/market/usa.htm
3 Effects of Decaffeinated Coffee on Health. http://www.teeccino.com/decaf.aspx
4 Caffeine content of popular drinks http://www.wilstar.com/caffeine.htm
5 Decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine, researchers report
7 Diabetes Sufferers: Beware Coffee. CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/01/29/health/webmd/main3763964.shtml
9 F. Batmanghelidj, MD. Physiological Effects of Dehydration: Cure Pain and Prevent Cancer. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_2001_August/ai_78177228/
10 Mikuls, T.R et al. 2002. Coffee, tea, and caffeine consumption and risk of rheumatoid arthritis: results from the Iowa Women's Health Study. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 46(1):83-91.