Spring Breakers

March 12, 2009

Oh. My. Have we been BUSY! So Dave has his first set of National Boards coming up on Saturday/Sunday. (Btw, if you have some time, please send him an email or facebook message to wish him luck! He'd appreciate it!) Like I mentioned before, I've seen little of him for the past couple weeks. This week has been no different, with him studying late into the night with his buddies. There has been busyness in a good way for me though, having taken on three NEW families for nannying in the last week and a half! Which means about $200 more per week! But, it's been keeping me away from home and friends having to spend the extra time nannying. And besides all that craziness, we've had visitors! :)

Joel came to stay with us Friday thru Monday, a little taste of a spring break vacation. Dave and I felt horrible for being so busy during his stay, but we did get the chance to take him out on Friday night for a couple hours. Here's the infamous pic of DP shots -- which were delicious by the way. You can check it on Jlo's blog as well, listed under "Blogs We Follow" on the right side of this page.

We have had the opportunity to visit with some other spring breakers this week. Eric, Rei, Ish and Aaron have been in the Cities for their break from MTU since Saturday. I had the pleasure of joining them for dinner on Monday night. By the way, I absolutely LOVE going out with these guys because they are just as adventurous as me when it comes to ethnic foods! We had a fun times of cooking meals together while at Tech together. So Monday night, they took me to a Japanese restaurant, and I wish I had gotten pictures or video because it was one of those places where there's a grill right on your table and the chef comes and does a show while he prepares your meals! It was SO cool, way better than seeing it on TV - haha! It was a delicious meal. Dave and I will definitely be going back to that restaurant (whose name escapes me right now...). Thanks for introducing me to a great place guys!

Unfortunately Dave couldn't joint us Monday night because of school, but last night, Wednesday, we arranged another dinner date that actually worked with Dave's schedule. This time, Dave and I picked the destination. So, we picked one of our favorite Indian restaurants called Surabhi. Let me just say DElish! I think we all had our fill and then some last night. I grabbed a few pics with my phone:

Aaron and Eric..note all the dishes that were JUST Eric's! It was a lot of food!

What was left of my meal, lamb curry with potatoes. A 7 course meal!

All of us, from left to right: Elise, Dave, Ishtiaque, Rei, Aaron, Eric

The boys will be heading back to Houghton on Friday. Have a safe trip, guys! Thanks for stopping to see us throughout your stay and hope you had a fun Spring Break! :)

** Breaking News ** Laura & Scott reportedly (from Facebook and their own blog) headed to the hospital late this morning. Laura was about 7 days over due as of today, so we're hoping her labor is going quick and easy right now! :) We'll get some pictures as soon as we get to visit Baby H! For now, congrats to the soon to be new mom and dad!!

- Elise

1 Responses:

Joel Vertin Says:

yaaay! it was a fun visit, thanks for having me! I think Mr. Monroe and I had a DP shot this evening, but I can't be sure cuz I can't quite remember. :) Miss you both. Good luck on your Board David! <3