Wow, sorry for our delay in posting and this post's lack of pictures! Dave and I have been quite busy here in Texas! We're currently driving from Dallas to Amarillo. We'll be staying with Dr. Eric Narrell and his family tonight and tomorrow night. We're looking forward to a fun couple days with their family!
So where do I need to pick up... On Wednesday we left Kansas and headed for Oklahoma. Dr. Georgia's office was pretty sweet. She is currently doing some construction/updates to the layout of her office to make the flow better, so it was neat to see that process in the works. She also had a lot of unique products as she is highly trained in nutrition and detox. And she is a very practiced adjuster, having studied several of the different techniques out there. We're happy to have stopped by her office in Wichita! We ended up camping in Wichita Wednesday night then headed out in the morning for Tulsa, OK. We stopped by Dr. Lance Bailey's office in Tulsa, which was also pretty sweet. He uses a mixture of techniques in his office as well, so it was good for us to see, in two different offices, how using a mix is quite possible and more productive for the patients.
While in Wichita, we had a few hours to kill before Dr. Lance's opened up, so we decided to GPS some parks close by so we could lay out in the 90 degree weather and sun. Dave picked out one called Swan Lake Park. Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? Well, unfortunately we didn't bring our camera from the car when we got there, but it was possibly one of the coolest parks we've ever been to, and it was right in the middle of a residential area, houses all around it. Basically there was this random lake (more like a large pond, not too too big) which had a fence around it. There were walking trails all along the fencing, so we just started walking thinking it was just a lake with fountains in it shaped like swans. As we walked along, all kind of cool animals and plants showed up. First we saw the real swans. There were only a few, but they were so beautiful! There was a family of ducks, most were mallards, but one was just like the Aflac duck. Pretty cute! We made it to one end of the lake, and from a distance I saw these long orange figures in the water.. I pointed and asked Dave what they were. We had no clue, so we got closer. They were these H U G E goldfish! HUGE! I'm talking like the size of a salmon or something. There were at least 4 of them that we could see, who knows how many more populated that lake. That's what we wanted to take pictures of for you all to see, but the car was so far away at this point in our walk. We also saw a gray heron, tons of turtles, and some normal minnows and larger pond fish. All in just a couple miles worth of habitat. It was quite a cool park! If you're ever in Wichita, look it up! You'll enjoy the walk. :)
After hanging out at Dr. Lance's for a few hours, we grabbed lunch at this AMAZING pizza place, local to Tulsa. So delicious, thanks for the recommendation Dr. Lance! Then, we headed right out of OK for Texarkana, TX. We decided we wanted to avoid all the tolls around here, so we set the GPS to avoid tolls and took off on the back roads through Kansas and OK. Let me say it was pretty darn cool! We were able to see real ranches, like what you see in movies. Also a ton of free range cattle, horses, cool! We did stop for gas at a quite shady station in this uber small rundown town. True southerners with thick accents, walking around in overalls with no shirts, and carrying beer in both hands. We live to tell about it though, and the $1.75 price tag for our 11 gallons of unleaded.
We spent Thursday at Dr. Randy John's office. Amazing! Eye-opening! Wow! His office is yet another one we will be striving to meet or beat when we open our own. We not only spent the day there, but he also let us sit in on a training session with him and his staff as well as watch his Doctor's Report. Just an amazing chiropractor who knows so much and is totally on the mission to bring real health to the world.
This might be a little more Generation Y oriented, but who remembers Land Before Time (the original, not parts 2-16! lol)?? Just pretend I'm Littlefoot!
We camped out in Texarkana for two nights then headed to Dallas on Friday morning. We were a little behind schedule and ended up missing Dr. Rob Vasquez's office hours, so we didn't get to shadow him at all. But we at least got to stop in the office and see his layout and unique office ideas. We decided to bump Saturday's plans up to Friday, so we spent the day with Dr. David and Dr. Kimberly Erb who are also right in Dallas. Their office had a bit more laid back feel to it than most of the others we'd been to so far on our trip, but we really liked it. They had a unique layout to the office, so the flow from when patients walk in the door, do their rehab and finally get adjusted was a bit different than what we're used to. It was definitely interesting to see and gave us some ideas for our plans.
The presidents from Life Chiropractic College's ML club, Blake and Ricky, were also going to be in town, ironically, to do some screening for Dr. Rob. Dave and I were also supposed to screen for Dr. Rob, so all four of the presidents from three different chiro schools were together for this screening yesterday. The five of us screened in 57 individual people! That is an amazing number -- LOTS OF LIVES SAVED YESTERDAY! We were pretty pumped after that, so we went out to celebrate last night. Good times guys, good times. Haven't laughed so hard in a looong time! It was so good to see you all again!
We made a swing by Parker's campus on Saturday after screening. Nothing too exciting there, but this is a statue of the late Dr. Parker.
I think that brings us up to present time, still driving toward Amarillo. The GPS just said "Continue 210 miles." Ouch. We'll arrive around 6pm CST.
Looking forward to the Colorado Seminar in just a few days!!!
- Elise
1 Responses:
Sounds like you're having fun. Your tree star is a sweetgum, and those giant goldfish are a carp species called coy. I was wondering what kinds of comparisons could be made if the Dr. Erb had placed a "homemade" hamburger and fries next to the McDonalds ones. Anyway, hope to hear from you again soon.
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