Saturday Morning Activity with Dave

July 26, 2009

So there had been this pile of sheets sitting on our livingroom floor for about a week. I was planning to wash them this weekend, and as I gathered them up on Saturday morning, Dave said, "Wait, those are clean!" I looked at him, confused as to why these clean sheets were even on the floor, let alone why he let them sit there for this entire week. He said, "Well I don't know how to fold them! That's YOUR job." So here's how to educate your husband on the how-tos of fitted sheet folding and a perfect example of how to shatter the gap between "wife only" chores and "husband only" chores. Teach them how! It goes both ways, like how Dave taught me how to use the drill when we moved in, and while he was at school I was able to hang up shelves and put together wedding gifts. Enjoy the video! :) - E

1 Responses:

Unknown Says:

craig would be the same way... if he ever washed sheets. :P
cute video! miss you guys!!