Yes, we're alive! We have been the worst bloggers this month.. Sorry to those of you who emailed us waiting on our next post.. Life has been absolutely ridiculously busy since June, where we basically wake up around 6:30am and leave for work/school and do not get home until around 9pm most every night. At that point it's hop into bed because we're exhausted. Weekends have been super busy, too, with a mix of work and FUN! I have those promised pics of Dave at Grandma's Marathon! And we'll fill you in on some of the fun stuff we've done on our time off these past few weeks. First, let me catch up on JULY BIRTHDAYS!
Phew, where did the past 4 weeks go?? July is seriously almost already gone?? Dave and I were just talking about how we have barely gotten to relax this summer, and here it is, already half way gone..We'll have to make some changes for August and get out to the pool! (It's pretty sad..our apartment complex has a pool area, and we have only been there ONCE this summer where we were only able to stay for half an hour before having to go babysit and study. Pretty darn sad.)
July has The Week of Niece and Nephew Birthdays! Julia on the 7th, Dominic AND Calvin on July 8th, and Sean on the 10th. Happy BELATED birthday to each of you!! Wish we could have been there to share in all your parties and fun!
We like to point out that Calvie is our Godchild (my adopted godchild thru marriage.. :). He's extra special to us. We hope you had a GREAT birthday, Calvin!! Other July birthdays include our aunt Ruth on the 22nd (let us know if you got our message, Ruth!!) and Mrs. Ashley Bekks ToDAY! Happy birthday to you BOTH!! Ash's first birthday with her little one. :)
Back a month ago, on June 19-20, was Grandma's Marathon in Duluth. Dave and our friend Nick ran it. Here are a few pictures we took that day that I couldn't get uploaded last month when I tried. Had to do a software update it turned out, and voila! Here they are:
July 9 to the 12th, Chris and is business partner (and friend) Rick stayed with us while they were in town for a training seminar. It worked out really well as the seminar was only a few miles from our apartment. We didn't get to hang out much with them until Saturday night. They treated us to dinner at our favorite restaurant, Good Earth (an all-natural and organic restaurant). Then we treated them to dessert at another favorite, the Cheesecake Factory. It was so funny. This restaurant has about 50+ different flavors of cheesecake, and Chris was trying to decide what he wanted. I looked down at their glass case of cheesecakes and happened to see the one out in front was called Chris' Outrageous Chocolate Cake. So, he got it. After they packed it up for us and we were on our way home is when we noticed how much bigger his slice was than our puny little cheesecakes. Seriously, his cake was outrageously large and outrageously chocolaty. The container was double the size of our cheesecakes'. Chris couldn't even finish it. We ended our night with wine, beer, popcorn and games. Chris and Rick headed out Sunday after their last hours of the seminar. Thanks for the visit, guys!
This past Friday was Christina's wedding. Christina is my co-worker at Revolution. She has been fabulous on training me in and I actually took on most of her work this past week while she was out preparing for her wedding and then this coming week while she'll be gone on their honeymoon. Dave and I attended her and Paul's wedding. It was on Friday 7/17 and they had a candle lit ceremony at their Methodist Church in Edina. The reception was at the Lafayette Club in Minnetoka. We took a few pictures, but with the dim lighting at both the reception and the wedding, my camera struggled to get clear shots. Here are a couple of the best ones. Congrats to Paul and Christina! We love you both!!:
- Elise
2 Responses to "Where Did the Summer GO??"
ha! i WAS wondering if you guys were alive, actually.. good to hear from you again.. and thanks for the shout out! :P You HAVE to see Dally's teeth! they're hilarious! I'll post, first chance i get. <3 ya!!
Hope you had a GREAT birthday, Ash! What did you do for fun?? Or to relax? Please DO send the pics of Dal's teeth!! Oh my goodness, make him stop growing up!!!!! Can't wait to see him!
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