Good luck to Dave!

March 20, 2010

Dave is in the midst of Part 3 Boards right now.  Yesterday he had two tests and Sunday he will have two more.  He said yesterday's tests were okay, with the second one being harder.  He's out studying today with Vern and whoever else joined them.  Good luck boys!!  I know you'll all do great!  Please pass along your support for these guys.  They're almost officially doctors!  May will be their final round of testing and *finger crossed* after that it will be official!  :)

Today I think I'm going to go get my hair chopped off at my friend Carri's house.  I tend to do this every spring after getting sick of my poker straight locks...  Once the snow's melted and it's sunny out, I always feel like it's time for a new look!  So that's my plan for today.  Then I'll be focusing on getting some recipes posted on Healing Cuisine from our dinners this past week.  I am always taking pictures of our food now!!  haha  Except this morning, I forgot to take a picture of the zucchini and spinach omelet I made for Dave... It was so good.  Would have been a good breakfast post..oh well.  I'm excited to post a yummmmy salmon dish I concocted with fresh ginger and pepper.  One of the best salmon dishes I've ever had!

I'm looking out our deck doors right now and it is SO GORGEOUS outside!  I can't wait til Dave gets home so we can go play outside!  Either a walk or a bike ride tonight I think.  Can't pass up this bright sunshine and warmer temps!  Beach season is on the way! :)

2 Responses to "Good luck to Dave!"

Unknown Says:

Good luck Dave! :) ...though we know he doesn't need it! I've been feeling the hair chopping bug too.. don't think I've so much as trimmed mine since almost a year ago :S. I wish I had you to cook for us over here... I'm so sick that everything is horrible.. poor Dall and Craig have to suffer as I'm spending as little time in the kitchen as possible. :(

Healing Cuisine by Elise Says:

Dave sends thanks from his desk at 6:30 this morning... :)

Sorry you are so sick!! Isn't the 2nd pregnancy supposed to be different than the first??? :P You poor girl! You should teach Craig how to use the crock pot.. Hope the sickness passes soon! Wasn't it up til the last trimester for Dall?