Davenport, IA Trip

March 23, 2009

This past weekend was AWESOME! Loretta, Nick, Dave and I left early on Saturday morning for Davenport, IA. The reason we took the 5 1/2 hour trip was because Mary Tocco was speaking about the dangers and toxicity of vaccines (here's her website: http://www.marytocco.com/). Her presentation alone was well worth the drive!

On top of that, we got to visit the birthplace of chiropractic, Palmer College of Chiropractic!
This was the first thing we did upon arrival to Davenport. We hopped into a tour group for incoming students. Walking through the halls of the school was just amazing. It was surreal at times to see the places BJ Palmer once walked, touched and created. The halls were filled with philosophy! We also peaked through the windows of the Palmer mansion, where BJ and family lived and started the school of chiropractic. Unfortunately the mansion was closed for tours on the weekend, but Dave and I plan to stop back down this summer and arrange a tour in advance for ourselves. For those of you who may not know, DD and BJ Palmer are the great philosophers of Chiropractic. They wrote the Green Books, the basis of all chiropractic, and started the first chiro school, Palmer, which is still well in function today. So getting a chance to tour their home for us is like an Islam visiting Mecca. Getting inside those doors is going to be an amazing experience!

The president of Palmer's Maximized Living Club, Tom, and his girlfriend, Lindsay, allowed us to stay the night with them. So nice of you guys -- thank you so much!! It was fun to meet them and the other 15-ish students from the club and school. They took us across the Mississippi (about a one mile drive from Davenport, very quick) for dinner in Illinois, along with the insanely big group of students. It was a great night! Then we left early on Sunday morning back for the Cities. Poor Loretta (Loretta Johnson, for those fellow Yuppers reading. She's a Calumet grad and ironically ended up at Northwestern for the same program as Dave!) studied the whole way down, the whole way back AND had still another exam to study for when we got back to Bloomington. Hope it went well for you on Monday, Loretta!!

Here are some pictures from our trip. We have many more where these came from! And if any of you would like a copy of Dr. Tocco's talk or more information on the dangers of vaccines, especially for infants and children, please please please ask! (I'll mail one to you soon, Ashley!) We have DVDs, tons of websites, and now many cases and research to back up the facts. It's best to make an educated decision and to see both sides before doing something to you or your child's body and health.

The rising sun that welcomed us Saturday morning leaving Bloomington, MN

First picture we took upon arriving at Palmer
(from left: Nick, Dave, Elise, Loretta)

Dave holding up DD Palmer

The Healing Gardens outside of the school where patients relax after their adjustments.

The Palmer emblem

Real skeletons illustrating spinal deformities, part of the largest spine collection, orginially compiled and owned by BJ Palmer. The entire collection is on showcase in the halls of Palmer. It is now illegal to collect real spine and skeletons.

You can see the Palmer Mansion in the back behind the sign.

Epigraphs, like this one, were scattered on the halls across the campus. Originally, BJ wrote with chalk on the walls and sidewalks around campus and town. These inspirational and philisophical sayings were meant to remind the students of true chiropractic principles.

Dave, Loretta, Elise & Nick by the Mississippi River

Dave and Nick impersonate one of their "favorite" professors...

A couple of loners.. :) We came across this quaint little outdoor theater!

A video of "tryouts" at the theater

We all climbed up a 5 story tall lookout point. In the background to the left is a river boat casino, which we did not have time to visit.. ;)

The view of the Mississippi and the bridge to IL from the lookout

The view of some of Davenport from the lookout

A video of the elevator ride down from the lookout.

Mary Tocco during her talk

- Elise

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