A Fun Week!

March 19, 2009

Dave survived his first round of National Boards! He finished around 4pm on Sunday. Feels okay about each part and now we wait 6 weeks to see how he scores. Oh the anticipation! :) I know you did great, sweetie!!

We hope you all had a festive St. Patrick's Day! Dave and I actually did a bit of celebrating since Sunday...which we claim is all in honor of the Green Holiday.. haha! On Sunday, we went out with a few other guys from school to unwind and release after their Boards. Nicole was out, too, and we both agreed it is just as stressful being the significant other of a chiro student during Boards time as it is to take the Boards!! (Our small excuse to unwind as well..)

Sunday's fun -- note the green beer to kick off our 3-day party fest!

We also went out in honor of St. Patty's Day. We met up with Shane and Nicole and a bunch of their friends from Apple Valley first. Thank you for the pictures, Nicole! It was fun meeting a few new faces and having a weeknight to relax with cool people outside of the school setting.

St. Patrick's Day

Last night was a big night for Dave and the Maximized Living Club. Dr. Pete Wurdemann and the club officers organized an event at PF Chang's Restaurant for all the club members and other student guests. It was a huge success!! Dr. Pete told the group his story, why he's in chiropractic and how he came to have such a successful practice today. He also answered many questions from the students about the transition from student to doctor. Just awesome knowledge. I'm so glad I went and will definitely continue taking advantage of these opportunities! Events like these open the networking door for Dave and me and have already helped us so much for the future of our practice. The knowledge and information that we gain alone is priceless -- something every student needs to learn but often passes up. We're just blessed with these opportunities and can't WAIT to get out there and open our own doors!

Speaking of opportunities within chiropractic, this weekend we're attending an event at Palmer in Davenport, Iowa -- the proverbial birthplace of chiropracic. Dr. Mary Tocco is speaking on "Are Vaccines Safe?" She is a world renowned leader in vaccine and autism awareness, education and research. We'll be recording the talk if anyone would like to hear it! (Do a quick Google on her and see how knowledgable this doctor is!) We are super excited to make the trip to the school and take a tour. It's somewhere Dave and I have wanted to go since he started school last year. We're also taking Nick E and Loretta with us. Should be a fun 6 hour road trip!

So these are the fun parts of our week in a nutshell. Still so much more to look forward to! AND the weather is still nice here! We went out for our first bike ride since NOVEMBER on Monday. Thinking of taking another one for myself this afternoon.. WE LOVE SPRING! Anyone sitting in their office or classroom itching for TGIF yet?

- Elise

3 Responses to "A Fun Week!"

Unknown Says:

ooh! ooh!! MEEEEEEEE! except i want summer to come too... Friday is first though..
And i'll definitely listen to that talk if you record it!!! and... YAY DAVE!!!!!!
...also look for pics of Dally's first bike ride.. :P

Healing Cuisine by Elise Says:

We will definitely be watching for those pics, Ash! Like I told ya the other day, we occasionally sit up for half hour spans gawking at your little dude! :) First bike ride at age almost 1/2.. Craig must be proud.

Joel Vertin Says:

good job David! hi Elise! :)